Green Card Photo Checker
US Diversity Visa Lottery Photo Checker - DV 2026
DV Lottery 2026 Photo Requirements

Must be in color
Photo Size
2 × 2 in
Head Hight
1 - 1 3/8 in
Taken in the last 6 months
White or off-white
Full-face view directly facing the camera
No blurry, pixelated, or grainy photos
Even with no shadows
Eye to Bottom
1 1/8 - 1 3/8 in
Don't worry. Our technology convert your photo to meet these requirements.
Upload Your Photo.
Additional requirements for applying online
Square aspect ratio
Minimum Pixel
600 x 600 pixels
Maximum Pixel
1200×1200 pixels
In color (24 bits per pixel) in sRGB color space
File Format
File Size
Less than or equal to 240 KB (kilobytes)
Compression Ratio
Less than or equal to 20:1
If scanning an existing photo, it must be 2×2 inches (51×51 mm) and scanned at a resolution of 300 pixels per inch (12 pixels per millimeter)
Other fine details: DV Lottery Photo Specifications
Additionally, you must follow the requirements regarding their pose, facial expression, and attire for your photo, among others:
Keep a neutral facial expression with your mouth closed
Make sure your eyes are open and fully visible
Take your glasses off. Glasses are allowed only in rare medical cases (like eye surgery), and being careful not to cause glare, reflection, or shadows
Head position
Look directly at the camera and keep your head straight
Head coverings are allowed only for medical or religious reasons
Choose regular clothes and avoid wearing white clothes. Uniforms are forbidden, except religious attires worn daily. The same goes for complements such as headphones or wireless hands-free devices
Photo Examples

Position yourself in daylight. Do not use a flash or artificial light. Avoid shadows on the face.

Look straight into the camera with a neutral facial expression. Take the photo directly from the front.

Close your mouth. Both ears should be visible and hair may not cover your face.

Keep about one meter away from the camera. Preferably have someone else take the picture.
DV Lottery Photo Tools
If you don’t have a photo to start with, worry not. Our photo tool can also help you take a perfect photograph in minutes without leaving home. Here’s what you need to do:
Find a well-lit area.
Place your smartphone on a flat surface, use a tripod, or ask a friend or family member to take the shot.
Upload the photo.
The software will automatically adjust the size, background, and more to meet the requirements.
One of the in-house biometrics experts will review the photo for any necessary corrections.
Get your 100% compliant image.
DV Lottery Photo Check
If you need an expert opinion on your photo, this AI
green card photo checker tool
will do the trick. Simply upload your image, and it’ll analyze it for compliance with the requirements above. The tool will check, among others:
The image quality to ensure proper focus and sharpness
The lighting to reveal any shadows or glare
Beyond AI, a real human will review your photograph to ensure it’s on point. If there are issues, they’ll guide you on retaking the photo at no additional cost.
The head position to determine if it falls within the required range